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What does your P-64 do?

Posted: December 29th, 2005, 9:36 pm
by mikethewreck
Feel free to elaborate on what your P-64 does for a living!

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: December 29th, 2005, 9:41 pm
by mikethewreck
I thought my P-64 would just be a trunk gun when I got it, but I find that I am using it as my primary carry gun a lot. My mind says my Glocks are a "better" carry gun, but my half-Polish heart loves carrying the P-64!

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: December 29th, 2005, 11:33 pm
by nimble1
I sold a Beretta 21 in 22 cal. to buy the 64. Always felt a little undergunned with the 22. Not that I ever want to use it but if I do, I want the extra power.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: December 29th, 2005, 11:46 pm
by cruiser
My P-64 lays on a table next to my recliner. I do take it out on occasion. My primary is a CZ-82 in a Don Hume JIT belt slide holster. The P-64 is in a Don Hume IWB clip on.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: December 30th, 2005, 1:20 am
by c1rock
It is a great backup gun to have for when your wearing light clothes.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: December 30th, 2005, 11:23 am
by mikethewreck
I'd like to encourage everyone to weigh in on the poll. I'd like to hear whether your P-64 is just a gun safe dweller or whether it works for a living!

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 12:49 am
by nscale
I like my Makarovs for the shooting range but my P-64 is what carry. As much as I like my P-64 I have to admit if you run 50 rounds through it, you may have a bloody hand. But its size and power make it perfect for protection.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 2:21 am
by xelloss
Mine serves as a range firearm, a CC (usually along with my snubby .357 bodyguard, 'cause 2 is 1 and 1 is none ;D ;D ;D), and right in front of me as I sit at my computer... ;D ;D ;D


What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 10:57 am
by cz83
I used it as a car gun / trunk gun... Just in case I forgot to carry my CZ83.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 12:35 pm
by valkyrie0002
I wanted something easily concealable and inexpensive for sometimes carry and to keep in the car.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 12:41 pm
by raypol
I like my Makarovs for the shooting range but my P-64 is what carry. As much as I like my P-64 I have to admit if you run 50 rounds through it, you may have a bloody hand. But its size and power make it perfect for protection.
I carry mine daily and shoot it regularly. I don't understand this recoil pain stuff. You guys must not be gripping it tightly or correctly. Mine is absolutely no worse than my Mak or 1911 A1. I have never been sore or blead from shooting a pistol.


What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 4th, 2006, 10:13 pm
by amd6547
I use mine for low profile carry in a retail situation. Funny, I also own a CZ82. While I own other more powerful handguns, the CZ82 has become my favorite ---counting CZ83 plus cruiser and I, thats three.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 5th, 2006, 12:03 pm
by butch50
I carry mine with me all the time, in my front right pocket. It is small but powerful, light and easy to carry. As for shooting it, I shoot it occasionally, but it beats my hand up pretty bad, about 18 rounds and I have had enough.

For me to shoot it I have to grip it with only 2.5 fingers to keep from getting "bit", and that is an uncomfortable grip for range firing. In a real life self defense situation getting "bit" won't be any problem at all.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 5th, 2006, 2:26 pm
by tunnelrat
You know, it's funny, but I've caught myself changing my carry weapon recently. I like Hi-Powers and 5" 1911's. For a smaller carry gun I've got a 4" Kimber CDP on an officers size frame, or a Glock 27. I've even got what many (me included!) consider an excellent carry gun -- a Kahr P9. And own and own and own...

Howsomever, the past coupla weeks I've been slipping a Polish Radom P-64 inside my belt. It may be a small, east European knock-off of the Walther PPK, but it is chambered in the more powerful 9x18 Makarov rather than the Walther's .380acp (or .32acp!). You can get one from AIM for well less than $150.


The double action trigger is horrendous; it's gotta be a 25 pound pull. It feels like pulling a concrete block on a string with your trigger finger (this can be corrected, but I haven't gotten around to it yet). The single action pull has both slack and creep, but it is as smooth as glass.

Anyhow, I mentioned that I slip it in my belt. Some of my trousers are a bit too tight to use an inside the waistband holster (I've gotta change my laundry -- those guys have been shrinking up a lot of my pants and vests lately...). So sometimes -- I dunno, for walking the dog, or to the mailbox, or out to the car -- I'll just slip a gun into my waistband rather than strap a holster on. The gun I've been using for this lately has been my little Polish Radom P-64.

Don't get me wrong: I like my G27 and I like my P9, but both are DAO with no external safeties. Wiser heads than mine recommend carrying such guns in a good holster, lest some inadvertent protrusion interfere with the trigger while reholstering and cause a negligent disharge. I fully agree with that, but there are some days and some times when for whatever reason I don't want to go to the effort of putting on a holster. On those days and at those times, I've been picking up the little P-64.

The P-64 is surprisingly pretty for such a cheap gun (cheap in price; not cheap in value or construction). It has a deep blue polished finish and looks very like the PPK of Bond, James Bond fame. I'm finding out why Bond may have selected it. While it is no 9mm, the 9x18 provides a bit more whack than a .380 (whether it is enough for adequate self defense is a different question. For self defense I'd rather have a shotgun and a squad of Marines).

It is more slim (1.06") and comfortable to carry than my Glock (slim, comfortable, and Glock are words rarely used in the same sentence) and much less likely to fire accidentally than my Kahr P9 -- in addition to the thoroughly awful double action trigger, it also sports a safety. The P-64 is quite light at just under 22 ounces. I find that it sits quite nicely in my hand and the hammer can be easily thumb-cocked into the single action mode.

It jumps a bit in my hand when I shoot it -- the Polish engineers were not able to capture the excellent ergonomics of the German Walther -- but even so it is easily manageable. It is not quite fun to shoot, but it is surely easy to carry.

What does your P-64 do?

Posted: January 5th, 2006, 4:31 pm
by cruiser
Hey! I beleive I recognize you, don't you go by another name in Ohio?