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Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 12:52 pm
by badgerjfr
I am just wondering if anyone has any idea when websites will start stocking supplies again. I just bought 10 boxes of PPU Mak. from AIM about 2 weeks ago, and EVERYTHING else was out of stock. I cant find reloading supplies, primers, powder, bullets, anywhere. There are also very slim pickings at all my local gun shops(ammo & reloading). I couldn't find a box of 9mm Lugar with out spending way more than I feel comfortable with. I remember this happening not too long ago, I just wasn't as in to shooting then, so I don't remember how long it took for places to get restocked. Its scary, because I want to go shooting but don't want to use up all my ammo without being able to replace it. I know this is just a temporary scare, and places will get restocked, but when? Any thoughts?

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 3:10 pm
by Curly1
If anything like 4 years ago I'm thinking 6 months or so.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 9th, 2013, 3:27 am
by frankmako
it will take months before supplies, ammo, and guns get back to normal. prices will stay high.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 4:27 am
by badgerjfr
i spent saturday going to my usual places, and found one place with ammo at normal prices. i spent more than i usually do, but i should be good for a few months. frickin liberal bullcrap. i just wanna shoot and enjoy it. i guess im one of the "crazies" stocking up. now if i could only find reloading supplies...

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 8:14 am
by wlockridge
The hand holding, we are the world, gun control folks have achieved their original intent. If any of you remember, msnbc aka the government's mouthpiece, ran a piece about President ObaMAO wanting to institute a 100% tax on ammo just like they did a few years back with cigarettes. It's called social engineering. Make it too expensive to buy and a lot of people will just give up. Every time the words "gun control" fall out of his mouth, there is a run on guns and ammunition. It's the only industry that he has truly "stimulated" since taking office. I stocked up months ago when he got reelected as one of his "promises" during his first campaign was to institute new and far reaching gun control. The conservatives that voted for his a$$ must have missed that one, I didn't. He won't hesitate to use executive orders aka unconstitutional edicts, to achieve this goal now because, not being able to run for another term, he no longer cares about the NRA's backing. It's as simple as that. Get ready boys and girls, we're in for a fight. As a former police officer part of the oath I took was to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic" and that oath didn't say it had an expiration date. If need be, I'll defend the constitution at my front door if it comes to that. Stay safe and sane my friends, the last thing we need is another show of "patriotism" with people carrying their weapons to some state or federal function and scaring the rabbits aka liberals to death. All that will accomplish is getting a bunch of good men and women gunned down in the streets like dogs. Like I tell my friends, right now our greatest friend is stealth. The time for action may come one day but today is not that day.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 5:43 pm
by Ketchman
Well said wlockridge.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 12:04 pm
by badgerjfr
i do remeber the tax increase talk a while back. it is truly amazing that Obummer and the rest of his czars are so against the second ammendment, but the only thing they been able to do is put more guns and ammo into all the homes of law abiding citizens. i guess that is liberal logic at its finest.

on a side note, ive been able to get a few of my liberal neighbors to the range and let them shoot. they love it, they've just never had the opportunity, and always been told they're bad. one neighbor actually wants to take a saftey course and purchase a hand gun. he shot his first gun with me about a year ago and is always looking forward to weekends when we can go back and shoot. hes really bummed about the whole situation cause we don't get to the range as much anymore. one liberal at a time i guess.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 3:34 pm
by Curly1
Politicians do have the habit of cutting off their noses to spite ther faces.

Badger I had a similiar event with some gun haters until they got to shoot some skeet and blast a way with an AR15.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 3:57 pm
by badgerjfr
i know curly, its like a lot of the gun haters don't realize how fun, exciting. and relaxing it is to shoot. they've grown up in homes with no firearms and only get the bad gun news from the biased media. i really focus on all the things that need to be done to keep evryone safe and show them how it all works, then its awesome to watch their attitudes change over an hour or so at the range.

i love how they(gun haters) look when you first get to the range. kinda reminds me of a sinner at sunday service. :)

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 5:12 pm
by bear34
Where does everyone get the idea that people who are liberal are anti-gun?

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 11th, 2013, 11:38 pm
by snailman153624
bear34 wrote:Where does everyone get the idea that people who are liberal are anti-gun?
You must not know very many so-called liberals....

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 12th, 2013, 6:59 am
by bear34
snailman153624 wrote:
bear34 wrote:Where does everyone get the idea that people who are liberal are anti-gun?
You must not know very many so-called liberals....

I live in MN, which is one of the bluest states in the US. Most of us end up voting D because the R party doesn't give a crap about the working man in this country. They also put up two of history's biggest stiffs in the last two elections. AND.....we all own guns.

Don't know them? Many people consider me one.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 12th, 2013, 8:44 am
by DoubleTap
That's nice that you own guns and all, but you're voting for people who are largely dedicated to the premise of taking them away. When people say that liberals are 'anti-gun', they're simply playing the odds...and with odds like that, I'd happily play against any house in Vegas. And if you think that Democrats are for the working man (which is what you seem to be implying), well that ship sailed a long, long time ago.

You're right about one thing though. The Republicans are their own worst enemy when it comes to choosing candidates. That’s why I gave up on them a long time ago.

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 12th, 2013, 9:40 am
by Curly1
The Democrats care more about entitlements to the non working and to illegal aliens or as I call them invaders. And who supports those efforts, yes you are right the working middle class.

They in affect are buying their votes.

Yes the GOP needs to get their head out of their azz.

Hopefully this last election was a wake up call

Re: Current Run on Supplies?

Posted: February 12th, 2013, 11:40 am
by badgerjfr
I agree, not all liberals are gun haters, but most are. so in turn, people get thrown into the group.

As for the dems in office, seems as if they are trying to make us socialist county, the scary thing is we are a lot closer than most believe. they tax the crap out of whatever they can, in turn, causing the working people to have less and less spending cash. when people cant afford to buy goods and services everyone starts to feel it. from the mom and pop stores to the guys/gals working in the lumberyards.

our welfare system is so screwed up, its better/easier for a person to stay dependant on the goverment than to go looking for work and start providing for themselves. i blame the goverment more than the welfare recipiants, but all the hard working people making a paycheck, getting taxed, make it possible. then all those people keep voting democrat.

As for republicans, their choice of canidate has been FAR from good, they have had decent canidates in the primary elections, but for some reason they end up chosing the guy to run agaisnt the dems that we all know is gonna lose in the end. the GOP needs to find a canidate that the country can rally behind. not just a stiff in a suit to send to a couple debates.

I could go on and on, politics tends to raise my blood pressure. i just feel there are too many un-informed people that go into voting booths at election time. i know you dont have to be informed to vote, i just think it would be nice if everyone would do their homework and THEN choose the canidate you want to support.

My 3 cents, sorry for the rant. :)