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No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 1:12 pm
by rick9plus
I've got a P-64 that had original springs in it. The double-action trigger squeeze has always been heavy but one-finger doable, but the recoil was "snappier" than I liked.

I installed the Wolf springs kit a couple of months ago, but didn't get around to shooting the pistol until this weekend.

I was only able to squeeze the trigger in double-action, ONE time using one finger (I didn't try two fingers) and it was a BEAR. Single-action pull was great and the recoil was noticeably less snappy.

Can anyone share some insight why the double-action pull is now practically impossible for me? Could I have done something wrong when installing the spring, or will it lighten up with use?

I like carrying the P-64, but won't without being able to squeeze the DA trigger with one finger (like I used to be able to do.)

Thanks for any assistance/advice.

Re: No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 11th, 2012, 9:12 am
by lklawson
It is possible that the Hammer Spring you replaced was worn out, a lighter replacement spring already, or was trimmed down in length by the previous owner to make it a lighter DA pull.

Compare the two springs side by side. Is the older one shorter, thinner, have fewer coils for the same length? Can you manually compress it easier than the new?

You may also check the new spring for burrs or roughness on the inside. Check the Hammer Spring Strut to make sure that there are no burrs and that no fouling or other material has jammed up inside. Check to make sure that the area is well lubed. You could probably use grease in this area because it is pretty well protected by the grip from contamination. Check and make sure that the spring is not "hung up" on something.

I'm sure I forgot something, but that's all that pops into my mind right now.

Because the Hammer Spring on a simple blowback handgun, like the P64, actually acts to absorb some of the recoil, if you use a lighter Hammer Spring, switch to a heavier Recoil Spring or you risk unnecessary battering, peening, and wear on your firearm.

Peace favor your sword,

Re: No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 11th, 2012, 11:12 am
by rick9plus
Thank you for the insightful reply, Kirk.

I'll dismantle the P-64 and check out the things you mentioned.

The springs are new, coming as a set from Wolf springs and have not been altered or cut. I followed the installation instructions from this website and from a video on YouTube. Everything installed smoothly, but I don't recall if I dry-fired it DA once I got the new springs in. But now, it DEFINITELY would take more than my index finger to squeeze that trigger!

Thanks again for your help.

Re: No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 11th, 2012, 7:35 pm
by PA-Joe
Did you grind the ends of the recoil spring flat? The spring that goes around the barrel? You should also grind flat the hammer spring. If not it may be binding somewhere. Take a look at the originals they should have flat ends. Lightly grind yours to look like the originals.

Re: No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 13th, 2012, 10:35 pm
by snailman153624
I didn't file mine, and I don't think there's any need to. It should work just fine.

Re: No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 14th, 2012, 12:53 am
by juniustaylor
I agree with Kirk. Compare your old and new one and see if maybe some person cut some coils off the old spring to make the pull manageable. Otherwise, the old spring could have been weakened enough that it was easier to pull the trigger in DA. If the springs fit in the gun without filing the ends flat, then I'd leave 'em be. When I put the 20# recoil spring in mine, it fit without having to grind the ends. I may have ground them later just for something to do, but it wasn't necessary.

I can't think that you would have installed anything wrong. Even if the strut doesn't go up into the hammer quite right, you'll notice it's messed up. You'll have issues lining up the pin hole that goes through the frame into the magazine catch. And I believe it makes issues when trying to even cock the hammer.

Re: No Action in Double-Action

Posted: September 14th, 2012, 10:21 am
by Curly1
My 22lb spring isn't ground on the ends either.