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PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip SO

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 1:10 pm
by sharkey
do you carry with the saftey on or off ......
A chambered round in a firearm with the saftey off ........ Well not my cup of tea .....
Coming clean from a IWB holster and pushing the saftey off ...... It Hurts
What have you done to help ....... Carrie empty chamber on fire (I's surprising how fast I can come out of holster with the left cambering a round ...... But god it's got a "BIG Tell" ..... Yea it's Poker .... (W/high stakes) ...... anybody with a half brain would know what I was doing ......
Or redesign the saftey lever profile ...... ?
Anybody find a way to push the safety w/out taking your thumb tip off? OK ..... the lower tip .... you know what I am talking about ..... LOL
I have not changed my firing pin spring yet I think that might help ????? but pissing won't change the ocean ether ......
I was thinking about smoothing the sharpe lines down in a dish type safety for the tip of my thumb .....and cleaning up the release area hope that would help first
I got to get rid of the thumb rest grips ...... Too .... But I need to bear arms smoother first ..... To see if I want to keep it my CC

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 9:30 pm
by Curly1
Round chambered safety on.

Hopefully you will have the full use of of your left arm to chamber a round.

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 7:04 am
by Frank Mucciolo
Curly1, I see by your description that you live in up State N.Y., I was born and raised in N.Y. city and than moved to Suffolk County when I got married, moved South in 1990 and been here ever since. My question is really about how are the gun law's going in N.Y. now with your new Govenor who hate's gun's and any one with a carry license. I have a large collection of pistol and long gun's that I was going to leave to my son, but he seems' a bit weary about getting them.

Do you have any feed back on this subject. A Southern Yank

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 9:54 am
by Curly1
Frank it depends on what county you live in.

My county it is nearly impossible to get a Conceal Carry permit anymore unless it is job related and then you can only carry during the job. Next county over no problem getting one for carry.

If the pistols reside out of state you will have to ship them to an FFL01 here to get on the books before you can get them on your permit that is a State law. Depending on the FFL01 here they may or may not take a C&R shipping to them and I know mine will not take a non C&R pistol transfer from anyone other then an FFL01 from outside the state.

If they are already in the state on someone elses permit then you should be able to just fill out some forms to transfer them.

The rifles don't get registered so you should be able to just hand those over.

But your son should check with the county laws where they would be registered and then with an FFL01 there may be another process he can go through to get a large collection transfered here.

Also my permit is not valid in the NYC areas. If he lives in one of those "dead zones" he will be hard pressed to get a permit I think.

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 1:43 pm
by Curly1
I forget to mention will also still have the Assualt Weapons ban in place here and no class 3 weapons allowed :(

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 9:44 pm
by jat428
Here is a link for an awesome video for replacing your firing pin spring, also useful for removing the safety detent spring\pin. What I did was chuck up the detent pin in a drill and sort of rounded it off on some 600 grit sandpaper. In addition look at the nocthes where the pin sits. Mine had a burr on both. With a little careful dremmel work my safety is very managable now. Hope this helps!

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 9:58 pm
by juniustaylor
Jat, that video would help him with a P-64, but unfortunately he's asking about a PA-63. If I had a PA-63, I'd certainly make videos for it. I wanted to buy one about a year ago, the gun store down the street had one for about $150. It sat there for a couple weeks and the day I decided I was going to buy it, it had sold the day before. It was a bummer!!!

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 9th, 2012, 10:06 pm
by jat428
d'oh! Didn't notice that! Oh well I tried to help lol

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 10th, 2012, 7:42 am
by sharkey
thank you PA-63 and P-64 they look the same I will check that out later today ...... I got to do something ...... Dont like to have on in throat and no safety on

Re: PA-63 .... Saftey cuts left lower portion of thumb tip S

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 12:19 pm
by chimera
sharkey wrote:JAT
thank you PA-63 and P-64 they look the same I will check that out later today ...... I got to do something ...... Dont like to have on in throat and no safety on
I don't believe you can accidently pull the trigger and until you pull the trigger the firing pin is not lined up with the hammer.