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we win DC loses

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 12:52 pm
by anjdrifter
Supreme court ruled against DC ban this morning

we win DC loses

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 2:23 pm
by gunneyrabbit
YAY, ;D ;D ;D
You knew it was going to happen, what surprised me though was the four to five vote, I hoped it would be more like seven to two; I guess that was asking to much from the bleeding heart liberals who need to be replaced.

we win DC loses

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 5:15 pm
by ozarker
I'm naive I guess. The US Spreme Court should be 9 member who follow the constitution and law. Not this conservative/ liberal crap. But for these experienced, educated folk that is too much to ask for. Why don't we just get BillyBob from Vermont, Arkansas, Wyoming, etc. and let them decide.

Don't get me wrong. I'm very happy with the ruling. I've already heard the DC Mayor talk and what his plans are. Just believe the ruling should be 9/0. Thats where the naive comes in.

we win DC loses

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 6:27 pm
by michaelap
I'm with you it is scarry such a tight victory, and it shouldn't have taken this long to give the folks what is already their due! Even so we are happy. God bless the 4 we can count on and the 5th who for once opened his eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we win DC loses

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 6:57 pm
by fritzhund
I am originally from Philadelphia. They (the new mayor) recently tried to pass some anti-gun laws much like D.C. had in place.

There was a police officer that was shot and killed by some stupid with an SKS, and there is a lot of gun violence in Philly, but the mayor decided that he was the supreme being of gun control in the city of Philadelphia.

They PASSED all kinds of Philadelphia anti-gun laws. One a month, assault rifles, size, concealed carry, you name it.

The funny thing was that the DA is also anti-gun, but she had read the state laws, and the Constitution, and held a press conference where she stated that she would not enforce any of these recently passed laws, as it is the place of the State of Pennsylvania to create these laws, not a city government.

Luckily I live in the country now and as an American, I am still free. You see, I am not a crack dealer, I do have a carry permit, I hunt, I target shoot, I belong to a couple of gun clubs, attend gun shows, and enjoy as a free man the Second Amendment!

Now a novel idea:

Why don't we get rid of the criminals instead of the guns?

If these cop killing, house robbing knuckleheads are multiple time gun offenders, why should we feed and house them for years on end?

Right after the lottery at 7:00 we should finalize them on live TV!

It might deter the next idiot.................



we win DC loses

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 8:52 pm
by barnett3006
oh man!!! I can't even think of the words to describe how excited I am that freedom still wins over tyranny! I agree that it should have been a 9/0 win but I will take a 5/4 win anyday!!

For anyone interested here is a link to the SCOTUS opinion

we win DC loses

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 12:20 pm
by himmel
Good decision...establishes the individual right (well, confirms it, it was always there) and says it will take more than a "rational relation" to a legitimate government interest to abridge it.

we win DC loses

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 12:52 pm
by ourbigbluehouse
I have always considered myself a liberal. I have been around guns most of my life and have owned everything from black powder muzzleloaders to the three handguns I have now. I have a CCW and carry when I feel the need. I don't agree with the NRA stand of "from my cold dead hand." I feel that a person has the right to defend his/herself and their home.

Just the same I don't feel the government has the right to arrest, detain and wire tap anyone the want to without a warrant. Illegal search and ceasure is in the constitution as well.

I have an idea let's just follow what the constitution says, quit messing with it to the latest whims or call a new constitutional convention and try to please everybody this time. That ought to take another 232 years.

Or better yet just live our lives and stop trying to tell people how to live theirs.

End of my venting for the day.

we win DC loses

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 4:53 pm
by crzbiker
I liked what the DC mayor said about his laws being on the books since 1976! The second amendment has been on the books since the 1780's! Imagine the arrogance of the man, to think his stupid, illegal law trumps the constitution.

we win DC loses

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 5:32 pm
by michaelap
This I love,

Why don't we get rid of the criminals instead of the guns?

If these cop killing, house robbing knuckleheads are multiple time gun offenders, why should we feed and house them for years on end?

Right after the lottery at 7:00 we should finalize them on live TV!

It might deter the next idiot.................

Talk about a reality show!!!!!!!!! It sure is nice to know I am not alone brother

we win DC loses

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 2:42 pm
by protector
I'm with Fritzhund on this too!

we win DC loses

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 3:56 pm
by fritzhund
Thanks guys!

I believe we should have us a fair trial, and then hangem'

I'm Fritzhund and I approved this message 8-)

we win DC loses

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 5:50 pm
by gunneyrabbit
Fritzhund, your the best candidate I've heard speak to date, LOL, you've got my vote.
G.R. ;D

we win DC loses

Posted: June 29th, 2008, 6:45 pm
by fritzhund
Thanks GR!

My only problem is that I'm not sure what to run for! :o

When I was five I wanted to be a dog catcher!!! :-[
