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Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 5th, 2008, 10:24 pm
by trent
Well, it's not official yet so I won't go into detail but I'm getting on with an leo agency in my area and this morning went through my OC certification.

before I had though OC (pepper spray) was a mildly effective weapon and was nothing to really blink at, I was wrong :'(

as you have probably guessed I got sprayed with it today. now I was told everyone reacts differently and that in my case having light colored eyes didn't help my case any.

i'm attempting to post a clip of my "experience" note that you'll hear me trying to yell "Trent" (the instructor asked my my name) and I was also told to try to get my adrenaline pumping (hinse the loud yelling)

I was told I was on the higher end of the recovery time (it took me about an hour to completely recover) where as the best time they had seen was about 5 minutes (a big Russian dude) My instructor said my time was about the same as when he did it.

to tide you over until I can figure out how to post the video here's a pic of me after my recovery (note the bloodshot eyes)

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 5th, 2008, 11:30 pm
by beasleydano
I was certified to carry Freeze+P with the Sheriff's Dept. Being sprayed on the forehead with eyes closed was worse than the tear gas room. I got as close to the air conditioner vents of my patrol car and held my eyelids open for a long time. It cleaned my sinuses out though!

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 5th, 2008, 11:33 pm
by trent
you got to close your eyes! they made me do it wide open, man! (im sure they suck equally but I'm mad at the world right now >:()

still trying to upload, photobucket isn't cooperating

I bet they did you with a stream, (they hit me with a fogger) so that's probably why you had to close your eyes

edit: I'm giving up for tonight (I really want some sleep) I'll try again to upload it tomorrow (if anyone has any tips i'd appreciate it).

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 5th, 2008, 11:42 pm
by volfandan
I feel for you, Trent.....I can definitlely think of better ways to spend a Saturday than getting pepper-sprayed! I'm not sadistic or anything....but I really can't wait to see the video! ;)

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 12:18 am
by grayfox
I had been thru that in Fla. When I worked at the local Sheriffs Office here in Tn., I had to do it again. As I set across from the young Lt. getting ready to spray me, I told him " I have been thru this once, sign the paper because if you spray me, I'll knock you on your ass". He signed the form and I got my certification. I love being old & crabby. >:(

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 6:40 pm
by carguy
Like papabear said in a thread somewhere around here...don't mess with cranky old men as they've been there, done that and will probably kick you a$$... :'(

I always respect my elders :-* :-* :-*

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 9:16 pm
by trent
Let me know if this works for you guys

posted this paragraph again so you guys don't think I've lost my cool in the video

"note that you'll hear me trying to yell "Trent" (the instructor asked my my name) and I was also told to try to get my adrenaline pumping (hinse the loud yelling)" ... 87qhHqJC5M

i'm just glad they didn't make me run an obsticle course afterwards which is what some agencies make you do.

oh and my brother was filming

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 9:41 pm
by normsutton

what's next you getting tasered


Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 9:58 pm
by carguy
Great job! Nice to know you'll be protecting us when we visit the south!

By the way 1) you are not a wuss, I walked into a robbery scene minutes after a clerk got sprayed with OC and the residual still in the air made me run like a baby and 2) I promise to help you get your brother back for his cracks about enjoying your pain a little too much...just tell me what you need me to do... :o

What's next getting hogtied and tossed into the back of a cruiser?? ;) Can't wait for the video ;D

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 7th, 2008, 12:35 am
by trent

what's next you getting tasered

actually yea, but I'm looking more forward to that one since it only lasts 5 seconds and there is no residual. Not sure when I'm doing it though, i'm kinda at the PD's mercy (It'l probably be after I get out of the Police Academy)

carguy, I told my brother what you said and he laughed (he's afraid inside)

what I'm more looking forward to is being issued my weapon (I want it before I start the academy so I can get in some practice)

when I said above that I'm looking more forward to getting tazered It's not the pain I'm looking forward to it's getting one step closer to being on the road.

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 7th, 2008, 12:48 am
by grayfox
Its all part of the game when you start out. Still the best job in the world. I still miss it, 22 years flew by. 8-)
Great video BTW. Man that pepperspray burns like a MF, but you did great. I have had to use it on some real badasses, put them down quick. :(

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 7th, 2008, 1:18 am
by carguy

Enjoy the moment, you'll be directing traffic and issuing jay walking tickets before you know it. :P

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 7th, 2008, 12:54 pm
by nbender
Do you have to dowload that "TV Program" to see the video?

Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 7th, 2008, 3:27 pm
by papabear

I only wish the best for you, so if this is what you want, I respect you decision. When I was your age I was in the service and across the pond being shot at by some little people that didn't care it they lived or died but for sure wanted my ass zapped. Later as a civilian and back home the only jobs were in the coal mines, I said hell no, moved to Illinois to find work. I do find it hard to accept to let someone spray me or zap with 50,000 volts with my permission, back in my day we handled things a lot different, we didn't have to be politicaly correct, just be the meanest dog in the fight, but then its been nearly 43 years since I was your age, today I don't think I could handle the volts, the pepper spray, well maybe. Good luck to you in want ever you do, you've been a valued and up front member here for a while now and I respect you for that too.


Pepper spray is effective/ i'm a wuss

Posted: January 7th, 2008, 4:36 pm
by trent
Thanks papabear, It's all about liability now, If I get sprayed or zapped then it shows that I know exactly what it does so I won't use it indiscriminately and it will hold up better in court. In fact it seems almost every change (in law and life) from the "good ole days" to now, has something to do with liability (I'm just glad they don't require being shot to carry a gun) but there is still a necessity for the meanest dog in the fight it's just not as public.

Nbender I'm not sure, have you other guys had to download that tv thing (i'm not too familiar with this website, from searching around it seems legit and was the only one that would let me upload my video as it was over 100mb's)