HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

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HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

Post by bob »

Also remember no state is immune to gun confiscation.Look at Louisana during hurricane Katrina.That is the first incident I ever heard of where firarms were physically taken from citizens.Up to that point it was just a bureaucratic bs wanting to make you register or more complicated licensing etc.The Katrina incident was scary even if overturned. :o
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HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

Post by dusty62 »

I think that we are all aware that there are definately tough times a'comin'. Solidarity and safety/strength in numbers gives us a strong voice. Lets hope it's heard.

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HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

Post by bob »

Dusty,I like what you said about solidarity and strength.The guys at the top,politicians,the money people their aim has always been to keep people divided.Most of them are businessmen and you know their thinking towards the working class guy.That's why they do not like unions.It's harder to deal with them as opposed to an individual.They are megolomaniacs and want everthing on their terms only.More for me.Less for you.Why do you think they outsource jobs etc.Why doesn't somebody do something about it you say? Because they are the "somebody".
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HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

Post by dusty62 »

bob wrote:Dusty,I like what you said about solidarity and strength.The guys at the top,politicians,the money people their aim has always been to keep people divided.Most of them are businessmen and you know their thinking towards the working class guy.That's why they do not like unions.It's harder to deal with them as opposed to an individual.They are megolomaniacs and want everthing on their terms only.More for me.Less for you.Why do you think they outsource jobs etc.Why doesn't somebody do something about it you say? Because they are the "somebody".

Hear, hear! You hit one of the nails right on the head. Whenever you hear another person saying that "someone ought to do something about 'it,'" ya gotta remind them that someone is spelled YOU! If you want change, you've got to bring change about. And if you want things to stay the same, you've got to stand your ground. Unfortunately, a large part of the populace of this country (and others as well) have become complacent, too willing to let the government "just take care of it." The bad thing is that with every thing we let the government take care of, we lose that much more control over the government. Our government was designed to be ". . . of the people, for the people, and by the people." I hope my qoute wasn't out of sequence. :) Anyway, that means that we, the people, are actually supposed to be the government and those politicians in Washington or whatever capital your state lodges them in, are supposed to be carrying out the wishes of the people as a whole. It's gotten turned around, though. Bassackwards, to tell the truth. Both the politicians and the people have lost sight of whats actually supposed to be happening. Trouble is that once government seizes the power it's hard to get them to let it go again. It takes people standing together for what they believe in and being strong and, if necessary, being blatantly immovable, to reverse the problem. Thats how I see it, anyway.

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HR 45 -- Gun Rights Licensing Test

Post by eaglepath »

Seems that what I have seen and heard is that the NRA is keeping mostly mum about this bill. I wonder why?
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