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Posted: May 12th, 2008, 4:15 pm
by nbender
" ... the members should follow the lead of the ideas and directions of the one who runs the board ..."

I agree completely papabear. But the point I was trying to make was that on this board the owner has chosen not to lead or provide ideas or directions or run the board or participate. We have to go find the principal to tattle on behavior problems.

Well, I sound more strident than I really am; it's really not a big deal to me however it goes. I won't participate in more free-for-alls. And by limiting my engagement here I'll be less indignant when someone shows up to insult the people or companies that I consider my friends.


Posted: May 12th, 2008, 5:45 pm
by weetabix
Well put, papabear.


Posted: May 12th, 2008, 6:11 pm
by manicmechanic
I feel over all the board pretty much mods itself. Being that there are only 2 mods, they obviously can't be expected to see all and be on at all times. I myself have only felt the need to pm them twice. Within 24 hours they either responded to me and let me know they were aware of the situation, or thanked me for letting them know of a situation. So, I guess what I'm saying is that if you see something that doesn't seem right copy the post and send it to both of the mods and I'm sure your results will be the same as mine.


Posted: May 12th, 2008, 6:29 pm
by bearhands
"It is a very unique thing we are all a part of here in this forum. We are a rag tag bunch of young, old, retired, unemployed, working, students, parents, children, people that share an interest and in particular a single firearm. (and a few others ;) )This forum has given us the chance to become an extended family and share, teach, advise, criticize, tease and praise without the fear of ever offending each other. Like any group there will be times we all don't agree but there is no need for anyone to ever create disharmony for the apparent sheer pleasure of it. I feel lucky that I am allowed to be a part of this forum as well as others with a similar atmosphere (and membership). It is just too bad that some people seem to be unhappy in life and can't stand to see anyone that is happy so they need to create turmoil...misery loves company. Thank you moderators for giving everyone a chance but thank you even more for preserving the family unit we've become."

I doubt that any of us could have said that better...

I too, appreciate the honest and forthright comraderie that exists here. There are so many knowledgeable people with intelligent things to offer here. I like the way that folks participate and hope that that kind of kinship continues. There are just too many forums for those who wish to be "top dog/dumb dog/always-right dog". I truly like it here.. it's just better.


Posted: May 12th, 2008, 6:59 pm
by fritzhund

This is what my original post was all about. One big happy family that helps each other out, yet when the time and place is right, we can kid around and poke a little bit of fun at each other.

Comments like: "Good Riddance" and "Make sure to take your meds" and stuff like that from an obvious problematic member is what originally caused me to start this post.

I agree, we police ourselves very well most of the time. I just finally reached my boiling point with his negative attitude and had to say something about it.

I am not trying to re-arrange the way we do things by any means. I am proud to be a member here. This place feels like home and I enjoy helping when I can. I have learned more here then on the other forums that I enjoy, and I thank you all for that.

I just got really angry after reading his last stupid post.

Why would you want to hunt an orchid anyway? They are hard to grow and very pretty to look at. I wouldn't ever want to hunt one down.......

8-) Fritzhund


Posted: May 12th, 2008, 8:05 pm
by papabear

You know me pretty well, and for sure I know where you are coming from and I agree with you about the point you were trying to make, that on this board the owner has chosen not to lead or provide ideas or directions or run the board or participate. We have to go find the principal to tattle on behavior problems. That was one of the things I didn't agree on with him, but it is his board and if that is the way he wants to run it, then so be it. Its then up to us to except that is the way its going to be or not to except it and stop coming to this site, which I don't choose to do at the present time. I also agree that the orchidhunter would not have been allowed to do and say what he has for as long as he did, on the other boards I on and I can assure you he wouldn't have on the two boards I am a moderator on, or the boards you and I are both on which are a few. So I'm "not" disagreeing with you by any means, I was just trying to be nice. I really like this board and 99.9% of the members here, to my knowledge we have had only two bad apples on here but unfortunately they both came back under different ID's but were finally dispatched after a few of us PM the mods and several more posted negative comments to the bad apples including myself in both cases. Something was finally done and at present all is calm and peaceful. The difference here as compared to the other boards I am on is it took a long time for corrections to made, where as on the other boards the action is much quicker. For the present I choose to remain in the CZAK P-64 family, I have many friends here, including you, and still enjoy the board very much, but that is my choice, and as I have mentioned to you before I would hate to not see you on here, but I will respect your decision.




Posted: May 18th, 2008, 11:04 am
by dfunk
So I guess it's my turn.

I am not here every day and I am not here every week. Perhaps this seems a little unorthodox to you, but I simply don't have the time to always be here. So, as a result of that, I expect nothing less than civilized conversation and fair treatment of other members. It's really quite simple - if you have a problem with any member, EMAIL ME. My email address is all over the place here and on the web site. I read and respond to every email from you guys, regardless of the subject. One thing I never wanted to this forum to become was one that lives in a police state or one that has to be monitored on an hourly basis because it's members can't play nice. If this sounds like something you want, you're in the wrong place.

I appreciate the support I've been given by the majority of you, and those that disagree with the way we do things here, email me and we can talk and I'll listen to your suggestions. Moderating forums isn't an easy task, and finding the right moderator isn't easy, either. One thing that's never changed is that you ALL can EMAIL ME if you have a problem.


I would also like to add this piece of information, just as a FYI.

When we started here, we didn't have a domain and the website was being hosted by my ISP. So, as a result of server restraints, I had to choose Proboards to host the message board. You know the ads at the top of the pages here? I get NOTHING if you click them. In fact, I get zero dollars from the message board and the website and I would have to pay to have the ads removed. So, don't think for a second that I'm reaping in the dough while I vacation away from you - the only thing I get, is knowing that I've helped create a top notch community and have helped people - which is enough.

If I could, I would leave Proboards, as they limit the amount of control you have and I would create our own board using PHPBB2 (something most of you are familiar with) and tie it in directly to the site. If I did, I would have direct access to the user database and could write some custom web apps for us that use your forum login credentials. The fact of the matter is, Proboards won't give up the database of users/posts, so I would have to start from scratch and have everybody re-register, and have to deal with the fact that all previous posts are gone, or re-enter them, 1 by 1. This is obviously not an option. So, as a result, my hands are tied as far as features and advanced administration are concerned.


Posted: May 18th, 2008, 3:12 pm
by fritzhund
Hi dickfunk :)

Let me be the first to say thank you for what you have done, and what you are doing for all of us here. This site and forum are terrific, and I thank you for all of it. Most people here had little or no knowledge of this pistol before entering this forum, me included. I bought my first, and several after that one, because of what I have learned here.

8-) Fritzhund


Posted: May 18th, 2008, 6:37 pm
by michaelap
I don't have any experience with message boards this is the first one for me. I have not had any knowledge of good ones or poor ones but I do enjoy this board. As usual dickfunk, when you're right- you're right so thanks! Of course thanks to you guys who spend your time dropping those pearls for guys like me I have enjoyed learning.


Posted: May 18th, 2008, 11:53 pm
by nbender
dickfunk wrote:... I expect nothing less than civilized conversation and fair treatment of other members. It's really quite simple - if you have a problem with any member, EMAIL ME.
So business as usual.

If you expect only civilized conversation on an open gun forum I have a bridge to sell.

Now, if that sounds too ungratefull for DickFunk taking the time to start this board let me emphasize - I do appreciate the time and effort. But I never would have thought there was monetary awards for the owner. Anyone can start a board and if you allow advertising it's really pretty low effort.

There are mature people who come here every day and are willing to provide some leadership and enforce behavior. It's needed, because the public posts here, and these regulars are volunteering. I'm not sure why DickFunk doesn't want the help, but again, this is not my mission. In 3 weeks I'm headed overseas for an extended tour (I'll write about that later) and this forum won't be the most critical thing on my agenda.


Posted: May 19th, 2008, 5:51 am
by normsutton
this is the first forum I ever joined , and I joined it 4 or 5 month's after its conception , meet a lot of good people here and talked to a lot of them on the phone even had some of them in my home. Now I'm on a lot of other forums, but this is my home forum, we have had 2 to 3 bad apples and they were dealt with as soon as possible , I like the idea that we are self governed and not a police state , ( just remember don't feed the trolls that's what they want you to do, report them copy and paste the thread and send it to one of our Moderators let them handle it) this forum is what we make it, and as far as I'm concern it's the best.
I for one don't need a leader I make up my own mind


DF & Abwehr for letting be a small part of this forum



Posted: May 19th, 2008, 8:16 am
by dfunk
nbender, you sure have a lot to say about me without saying it to me. If you have an issue, we can take care of it privately. If you want to 'sell your bridge', go ahead - you seem to be looking for people to give you reasons why you should stay here, and that makes no sense.

Good luck with your TDY.


Posted: May 28th, 2008, 11:37 pm
by nbender
I haven't logged in for a while - that is, I haven't read this thread for some time or I would have replied earlier.

Your post makes no sense to me dick. I've stated honestly.


I went upstairs and did the dishes thinking about this, and about dick's statement:

" seem to be looking for people to give you reasons why you should stay here, and that makes no sense ..."

I don't see what laid the basis for that oddball statement. That's a pretty disturbing thing to read against me, especially from the board owner. That is an invitation to leave. But I recorded dick's PM to me on 11.28.07:

"Thank you for staying - it wouldn't be the same without you."

Enough drama! I've banned myself from less honorable venues.

This is BS.


Posted: May 29th, 2008, 9:14 am
by weetabix
One thing we might all remember is that the written word can sometimes be a difficult medium to express and receive thoughts and ideas clearly. You don't have facial expressions, body language, or vocal inflection to help judge just what someone meant by what they said. You have very limited context.

I got into an email exchange recently where we each took the other's words the wrong way, and there were many hard feelings. It all turned out to be one's reacting to the other's reactions until the tiny molehill blew up into a ridiculous mountain.

Let's all wear thick skin. This is a great place full of great people - polite, pleasant, informative.

In the words of that <strike>wise man</strike> guy*, Rodney King, "People, I just want to say ... can we all get along?"


*fixed for carguy


Posted: May 29th, 2008, 10:47 am
by carguy
weetabix wrote:In the words of that wise man, Rodney King, "People, I just want to say ... can we all get along?"

You did great right up until ytou called Rodney King a wise man... ::)...then you lost me! :)