CH4D file trim die

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CH4D file trim die

Post by Poppy42 »

I just got my new,CH4D file trim die. Boy what a pleasure to use! I have been trimming my 9x19 brass to 9x18 with a Lyman universal trimmer. It work ok, but after a 100 or so cases, boy did my wrist and hand get sore/tired. Tried the Lee trimmer same thing, worked ok till I wore it out (I’ve been through a few). Now with the trim die, 4 passes with a decent cross file and a couple with a single cut, it’s perfect!!! I know they make power trimmers that would probably make brass faster but they just ain’t in my price range ( fixed income, and constantly broke). For me this is the perfect option! I highly recommend it.
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Re: CH4D file trim die

Post by GuitarmanNick »

Been using the Lee Quick Cutter with good results. Dies are not too expensive. Also started using a RCBS Quick Change Case Holder when reaming brass and cleaning primer pockets. My hands have been grateful. For primer pockets, it is easy to chuck the tools up in a drill and allows good progress to be made. Gotta be a little careful, but once you do a few, it is a breeze.
I too am on a fixed income and broke much of the time. Did find a way to squeeze these into the budget and recommend them to anyone with arthritis and/or slight nerve damage in their hands.
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Re: CH4D file trim die

Post by normsutton »

i like trim dies but , for a lot trimming, i use my Lyman trimmer with a drill ,

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